Adria Ferries supports Albania and activates a crisis unit
Adria Ferries is supporting Albania after the earthquake
The northern coast of Albania was struck by devastating 6.4 magnitude earthquake at 2:54 a.m. local time on the night of 26 November 2019. The epicentre of the earthquake struck around 10 km from the city of Durrës and 31 km from the city of Tirana, killing at least twenty-six people, injuring hundreds and severely damaging the territory.
Adria Ferries has had an extremely close bond with the ‘Land of the Eagle’ for many years, so the Italian ferry company took immediate action and set up its own crisis unit to respond rapidly to any requests for assistance and humanitarian or emergency healthcare aid, as well as offering its services to Italian and Albanian authorities and institutions.
The company’s network of port agencies has been alerted and is standing by to transmit any requests received locally to head office.
The unit, headed by Mr. Roberto Mataloni, Ms. Michela Rossi and Mr. Gabriele Ubaldi, continues to handle all requests and needs relating to assistance of the local population hit by the earthquake.
The company has also offered the services of its vessels sailing to Durrës from the ports of Ancona and Bari to carry the personnel and vehicles of the Civil Protection Agency of the regions of Molise, Basilicata, Lazio and Puglia, offering free meals on board to the military personnel and volunteers in said convoys.
A current account to collect donations
Adria Ferries has opened a current account for donations to assist the population hit by the earthquake. It is possible to make a donation up until 15 January 2020, through a bank credit transfer into the following current account:
BANK: UBIBANCA S.p.A. – Ancona Branch
IBAN: IT 29 V 03111 02684 000 000 002 557
Adria Ferries will actively contribute to the fund by paying 2.00 € into said current account for every passenger and vehicle that travel with the company on the vessels operating on the Ancona to Durrës and Bari to Durrës lines, for all journeys booked from today up until 15 January 2020.
Check out our articles here:
- “Terremoto in Albania, Adria Ferries attiva unità di crisi e conto corrente per raccolta fondi" - Vivere Ancona
- "Adria Ferries sostiene l’Albania colpita dal sisma" - AdriaEco
- "Terremoto in Albania, sentito anche nelle Marche" - Cronache Fermane
- "Adria Ferries ha attivato una unità di crisi e un conto corrente dedicato per il sisma in Albania" - Corriere Adriatico
- "Terremoto in Albania, in partenza Vigili del fuoco da Ancona" - Centro Pagina
- "Terremoto in Albania, almeno 15 i morti: la scossa avvertita anche nelle Marche" - Ancona Today
- "Terremoto in Albania, attivata l’unità di crisi della Adria Ferries" - Cronache Ancona
- "Regione Marche in prima fila per Albania" - Ansa Marche
- "Terremoto in Albania, avvertito anche nelle Marche" - Cronache Picene
- "Sisma, il “mostro” nel cuore della notte dall’altra parte del mare " - ETV Marche
- "Terremoto in Albania, i danni del sisma" - Il Castellaccio
- "Da Bari in soccorso dell'Albania: dal porto la partenza di volontari e vigili del fuoco per Durazzo" - Bari Today
- "Da Bari in soccorso dell'Albania: dal porto la partenza di volontari e vigili del fuoco per Durazzo" - Libero
- "Terremoto Albania, almeno 23 morti e 600 feriti: persone sepolte vive tra le macerie, in arrivo tanti aiuti internazionali." - MeteoWeb
- "Terremoto in Albania: 23 morti e 650 feriti. Scosse avvertite anche in Puglia e Basilicata. I soccorsi partono da Bari e Brindisi" - La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno
- "Terremoto in Albania, sentito anche nelle Marche" - Cronache Maceratesi
- "Albania, Adria Ferries attiva unità crisi" - Sky tg24
- "Sisma in Albania, Adria Ferries attiva unità di crisi e apre alle donazioni" - Travelnostop